Lose The Most

My quest to get back to a reasonable belly size

Archive for February, 2008

Eating after 8pm

Well, it sounds like there is an interest in how this is working for me.  Well, I really should keep like a tally or something, but it feels like it is going pretty well.  I do eat a little after eight sometimes, but not a lot and not too far after.  Because Bob suggests stopping eating two hours before bed and I never go to bed at ten, I figure a little later is ok.

Christi also mentioned me having strong willpower for staying off the scale for a month.  I have to say, I was tempted to step on it today.  I have stopped doing the weight watchers points, so I feel like I have gained five pounds, but who knows!  Because we are moving, it does make it easier not to step on the scale.  I have moved it out of the bathroom.  Ben climbs on it in the living room. 🙂  I just hope when March 7th rolls around that I haven’t gained ten pounds back!

The other thing that is sometimes hard is that three meals a day with one or two snacks.  I sometimes have the days where it is clear, this is breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.  But sometimes I am just all over the place.  like a snack instead of a lunch and a snack after dinner or no breakfast.  I think I am going to keep track of the 6 or 7 things I should be doing.  It is always better to keep track, then you can really see what is happening.  I have learned that from my diabetes.

Hope everyone is doing well, I haven’t been checking up on everyone lately cause of the moving and such.  Just be strong and know that there are others out there fighting the weight battle with you!!


Well, it has been a while.  Where does the time go?   Wow.  Ben got sick this weekend and a sick kid really puts the rest of life on hold.  I have been just doing the six things that Bob suggests in phase one of his plan.  I have had a little trouble eating things after 8pm (which was my cut off time).  I know that sometimes it is my diabetes, but sometimes I just eat crap.  🙂  Since I stopped the weight watchers counting, I feel like I am eating more calories than I should, but it isn’t until the next phase of Bob’s diet that you change your eating habits.  So I am trying very hard to just do these small adjustments.

And that is all for now.  I think I am going to turn the lights on and start packing some things!

Congrats to Christi

Way to go girl!!!

I am happy with my weight loss and I will not be stepping on the scale again for a month.  Woah.  I started my best life diet phase one today.  I did good.  No eating after 8pm.  That is the hardest one so far.  I think it will make all the difference.

My blood sugars have been great too.  I am really happy about that, cause that is really important to keeping me alive for as long as I can be!!  So happy bout that.

New month, new winner at the end.  I hope it is me, but who knows since I won’t be weighing myself until then.

My Weekend

Well, I have decided that I am going to do Bob Greene’s best life diet for the rest of my life!  🙂  Since it is a lifestyle and not a diet.  I am starting it on Thursday when we weigh in.  In phase 1 I have a few objectives.

  • Eat three meals a day with one or two snacks if needed.
  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
  • Cut off my eating at least two hours before bed.  I am choosing 8pm.
  • Take my activity up to exercising 3x a week  (totally 90-150 minutes/week).
  • Stop drinking. 😉
  • Take a multivitamin and Omega 3 fatty acid everyday
  • Weigh in once and don’t weigh again for four weeks

That is basically it!  So one more day of counting points and then I am refocusing on this!  Bob says that some people lose enough weight just cutting off their eating at night.  Wow.  A suggestion he gave to nighttime cravings was that when you get the urge to eat, you should use that time to do something productive like journal your feelings.  Or clean.  Or something.

Oh, got to go, Mathew McConaughey is on David Letterman. 🙂

What not to Eat

Alright, I cannot even believe the amount of calories and fat in what I ate today.  I am almost embarrassed to admit it.  I just got to California with my hubby and I was so hungry that we stopped at  . . . . Carl’s Jr.  Holy crap!!  I should have made a better decision, but I didn’t.  I had the portobello buger.  Woah.  I took off the bottom bun and the piece of lettuce with all the mayo, but still, I think there were like 900 or more calories in it still and not to mention that 64g of fat.  Woah.  I looked it up when I got home.  Yikes.  🙂  I can’t believe it!!!!  That is the last time I have one of those burgers.  I know I read somewhere that weight watchers punishes you twice for high fat foods.  This is one of them.  There are like 500 calories from fat.  I had no idea.  I used to eat those burgers without a second thought.  Well, now I have a second, third and fourth thought about eating it. 😉

I did have some good pizza tonight.  I ate a thin crust pizza with no cheese and lots of veggies.  Yum.  I was happy about that.  I found a comparison online and there were like 150 calories.  Who knows if it is close to what I had, cause this was a local place.  Yummy though.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that you should never eat at Carl’s Jr.  Never, never never!  Woah and yikes.  I am still flabbergasted.  I guess I will have to take some long walks on the beach tomorrow. 🙂