Lose The Most

My quest to get back to a reasonable belly size

Archive for March, 2008

going out

Well,  I am very proud of myself for going out to the gym last night.  Wednesdays are usually my Mary Kay unit meeting nights, but I hadn’t asked Meliss to watch Ben, so I decided that I was going to go to the gym when he went to bed.  I actually did too.  I got on a bike and read something while I biked.  Then I tuned in my headphones to Supernanny!  I got almost 40 minutes of biking in and I also lifted some weights.  I was just so proud of myself.  I usually flake out when I am going alone, but I did it.  I felt so great when I got home.

Aunt Flo also came to visit me this morning.  I know most women get all mad when she comes (as normally do I) but, I was just so happy for a few reasons.  One, my blood sugars have been out of control lately and I couldn’t figure it out.  It was so bad I thought maybe my insulin was bad.  But, when Aunt Flo comes, that is how I get the week before.  But I can’t blame it on that until it actually arrives.  So I was glad to know that I am not crazy and my insulin wasn’t bad.  And two, because now I know that my body can regulate itself a little bit.  I was about to go back to my OB to get some pills to “start” it.  I didn’t want to do that.  Plus, now I won’t have Aunt Flo in town during the weigh in.  🙂

That is all for now.  Keep up the great work!!


Alright, so I have weighed in again this week and I am pretty much steady at 190.  I mean I have been getting out and exercising, but I haven’t been cutting calories.  What I really need to do is finish reading Phase 2 of The Best Life Diet.  I have read about half of it.  I have been doing great not eating late.  I still need to cut off those one bite snacks.  You know what I mean.  I haven’t been eating meals, but I have been eating a bite of something or a drink of something.

I am getting excited to see what I will do in the next few days when I don’t have soccer game or a basketball game.  I need to get to the gym.  John said that spending so much money on the gym has motivated him to go.  🙂  Ha.  That is funny.  If I would have known that, I would have paid more.  Hehe.

Well, I hope I can lose some more weight.  I should really focus on it so that I can see the 180s again, even the 170s, and if God willing, the 160s.  🙂

Keep up the good work ladies!!

Gym Members

Have any of you seen that episode of Friends where Chandler tries to quit the gym?  That was the first thing I thought of as we went to Gold’s Gym to check it out.  I want to quit the gym.  But instead I ended up signing up for like 39 months of the gym.  I am in it forever now.

We went this morning to the gym and the day care was crazy out of control.  I mean it looked like there were a million kids in there.  The worst part was that Ben had to be in with all the little babies.  He is not a baby any more.  But they wouldn’t let him go play with the big kids.  So, he just cried for twenty minutes until I came to check on him.  They were just coming to find me because he had been crying the whole time.  Strange.  Just let the big boy play with the big boy toys!  I am going to have to find out when that little baby area is closed.  🙂

I got in a 15 minute run.  I have been playing soccer and basketball at night.  So just a short run was good for me.

Hope all is well.  I am going to visit all your sites and check up on you all.  I may not post a comment, but just know I am reading. 🙂

The Weather

Well, now that the weather is getting nicer, I am looking forward to long walks and such.  My mom and I walked for an hour or more the other day.  We took Ben in the stroller and it was lots of fun.  Oh, I have to get some pictures. Melissa was over here and saw my before pictures.   So I think I will get some in the middle pictures.  I didn’t dare post them like Melissa did, but maybe this time I will.

Here is a funny story.  I have been wearing my bra from when I had pregnant boobs, since I had theem.  I have been meaning to go get a new one, cause it obviously didn’t fit anymore.  So I went into the store, not knowing what size I might be.  So I grabbed a couple 36C, 36B, 34C . . .  and in I went.  Well, I took off thebra I had on (the too big one) and it was a 40D.  HA!!  So I tried one of the 36s on and it was way too small!!  Hehe.  I ended up with some new bras at like 38C.  Not bad for pregnant prema-sag boobs.  🙂

And I just took some pictures.  I will look at them and maybe post them.  🙂  I have to remember the show How to Look Good Naked.  What fun it would be to try and place yourself in that line-up.

Yeah, I probably won’t post those yet, my photoshop isn’t working, so I can’t make a few things look better . . .  hehe.  Maybe later.  But it was good to get the pictures~!

Weigh In Day

Today was weigh in day and I was pleasantly surprised by the scale.  I spent last month, not on any weight watchers points diet or any diet at all, but on phase one of The Best Life Diet.  With that there were just some requirements.  I had written them somewhere on here before.  Even with not really following them to a T on some days, I was able to maintain my weigh loss from last month and shed a few more pounds.  So I am really excited.

I am all moved into my new home.  I am ready to get a schedule going.  I picked up some papers from the Rec Center here when we first moved in.  I can even go over there during Ben’s naps while John is here.  I am just feeling really good about how things are looking as far as weight loss.  I usually (and soon to be used to) make excuses about why I don’t exercise or eat right.  Well, I am throwing those out the window!  I am going to focus and get this done!!

I can’t wait to see who is the Biggest Loser for the month.  I don’t think it will be me, but I want to see who is changing their life for the better the best.  🙂

Have a great month and lets all refocus to have a great March!!