Lose The Most

My quest to get back to a reasonable belly size

Archive for January, 2009

Great News

So I went to my appointment this morning and I was pleasantly surprised. I had never met this lady before, this was my first time. I didn’t know what to expect. She saw my University of Alaska Anchorage shirt and asked me about it. I told her I played basketball there and she asked when. She is the aunt of a men’s player who played at Snow while I was there and in AK when I was there. So we hit it off great.

As for the diabetes stuff. She gave me a booklet thing on nutrition I am going to look over. She said that sugar is the best thing for low blood sugar for me (having Type 1 diabetes). I spoke a bit about adjusting insulin levels. I asked her all the questions I had and I was satisfied with her answers. She checked my feet for neuropathy. She was also going to give me the name of a doctor who could remove my plantars warts. Apparently it would be good to remove them.

Now the really great news. I got an appointment with the Doctor to get a sensor pump. A sensor pump tells you your blood sugar every three minute or something. I don’t know much about them, but she told me that it would change my life. I am just really happy that I got in to see him, cause he is like the best. He has dedicated his life’s work to helping diabetics keep their blood sugars under control.

I couldn’t be happier. 🙂

Food today

So for breakfast I ate half of an energy bar, a breakfast shake, and some applesauce. Then I went to play some volleyball. For lunch I ate a salad with yogurt and almonds. I felt snacky just a bit ago and I grabbed a piece of gum. I am starting to realize that I will live if I don’t have a huge snack at the first sign of hunger. One day at a time right!!

I did it!!

I finally lost some weight.  🙂 I am sue it is from resisting those bread sticks.  Not much, but I lost 2 pounds from last week’s weight and 1.6 maybe from my goal weight.  I have been on that scale lots between now and the start of this thing and for some reason I hadn’t budged at all.  I hadn’t seen anything below 197.  Just so you know I really don’t let the numbers effect my moods.  I just like to know every few days what is up.

I used to keep on my mirror a running total of my weigh.  I started in June or July of last year around 192.  I stayed around for a few months.  I then gained 5 pounds around Thanksgiving and I have yet to regain my original weight, but I know it can be done.

I have an appointment with a lady tomorrow.  I say lady, because she is not technically a doctor.  She is just in the same office as the doctor someone reccommended, so I went with her.  I hope it goes well.


Never underestimate the power of smell. Yesterday John and I went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Yummy, right? Well, we should all know to stay away from those yummy breadsticks, white bread cover in greasy garlic sauce. So I tried and I succeeded. Although, I did take one out and just give it a good smell. I was satisfied with smelling it and I am proud to say I had not one, not even a bite of one. 🙂

It is the little victories that help us all press on.

Hello again

So it has been about three weeks and I have maintained my original weight through the weeks.  I am going to see the doctor on Tuesday so I am hoping to gain some insights on how best to lose weight.  I know I am going to have to start making exercise regular if I want my diabetes to cooperate.  I have been getting more than usual, but I think I even need more.  I can do that.  I am thinking that is what is going to help, cause I have so many times I have to eat extra calories cause my blood sugar is low.  Like last night, I had a nice salad for dinner and was determined to not eat anything else until right before bed when my blood sugar was 61.  So I had to eat something to bring it up.

Anyway, I also need to chime in to my blog more.  I kind of put it out of my mind and think I am not in a weight loss competition.  So help me by posting comments if you haven’t seen me in a while.  Ones like Mindy–where are you–remember you are in the Biggest Loser 09!

Thanks for all the support.  Keep it up ladies, we can do it.